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Pages: Snowed-in activities? For me... [1]
Author Topic: Snowed-in activities? For me...

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2011-02-08 12-55-54

Snowed-in activities? For me... tonight, I'm recording the icy branches tinkling in the breeze, then a fire, some hot sake, and watching BSG and maybe Lost on the laptop. Tomorrow, playing stringed instruments, and maybe making cookies. Perhaps I will slip and slide over on foot and see if the Plaid Pantry has any beer left, and investigate whether or not the local taqueria is open. You?
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2011-02-11 3-18-52-

Tons of snow, and more tonight We're a bit snowed in, and I'll be working from home. I still have barn chores to do in the morning and evening. Maybe check out what's going on down the driveway at the neighbors (they're 1/4 mile away). If the roads are passable, we'll make a trip to town to drop Christmas cards off at the post office and a stop to the grocery store for more supplies. Not too exciting, but it could be a lot worse!
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2011-02-11 12-16-51

I'm fretting a bit, actually On top of losing my personal chef client, I'm worried about my job situation. The storms really couldn't have come at a worse time. Our sales directly affect how much we're all paid via tip share for cooks and servers alike. We make a base salary, but just getting by on base salary alone is literally only having enough money for rent, food and utilities. With everyone cancelling their holiday parties, and the weather completely tanking regular business, it's looking pretty grim. And of course, I can't help but feel paranoid about getting laid off. If it stays like this, what's to stop them from saying ok, we'll just stick with a two person line for the forseeable future? :-p I'm hoping this is just paranoid cabin fever. I should try and relax and be grateful for having some time off, but I'm struggling with it. In the meantime, I'm just cooking and listening to metal. I just got my brisket in the oven for overnight cooking, and I've got beets simmering too for tomorrow's salad, and in the meantime I'll grate potatoes for latkes. The shreds will live in water until I assemble them tomorrow. By the time all that's done, my frozen bananas should be thawed enough for banana bread dough.
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2011-02-12 20-27-42

Keep your cool. (Bad pun.) Everyone's been pinching pennies this season, but you know what? I think that right after christmas and everyone's undone their stingyness belts and realized they haven't died and that their visa balance won't top two months, they'll go back to doing good in your local market. Besides, there's always work for a good cook, and nobody works like a butch. : )
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2011-02-15 6-07-47-

Oh, they don't want a two-person line. Cause first of all, you're a hard worker and they're happy to have you, and second of all they know that means they won't get a day off...
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2011-03-02 13-13-22

They are LUCKY to have you! Somebody with your talent, passion, wit and work ethic is not to be taken lightly.
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2011-04-06 22-15-59

Sorting through old papers I managed to go through a box and a half of things I mostly didn't need/want anymore and am feeling quite proud of myself for it... Just looked outside and my mailbox is almost buried. Tomorrow will be a painful day.
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2011-04-20 7-23-35-

It's still snowing here. Today I shoveled snow, played some piano, helped cook dinner and played some Scrabble, but my opponent has deserted me in favour of shoveling the driveway. I'll probably work on some Christmas presents later. Tomorrow I'm hoping the roads will be clear enough to get out, but we've had probably a foot of snow today, so I doubt we'll be able to get off my street. I'll probably try to unpack a bit more and work a bit more on my Christmas presents.
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2011-07-07 6-12-56-

I'm making truffles for my parents. I'm going to do dark chocolate and dark chocolate orange and dip them later. And I'm putting together a starter box of recipe cards for my sister with a bunch of stuff I make and some old family recipes, which is taking me a lot longer than I'd anticipated.
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2011-08-16 17-09-28

Honestly, if I were snowed in my activity would be finding a new house in a different location. Not a fan of the white stuff unless I can drive to it, then come home to no ice or snow at the abode. Tho I do enjoy the picturesque qualities of it in media form.
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2011-09-28 8-30-39-

Don't think Dives has ever been snowed in with somebody she is in love with... wow, that is hot! However, one has to plan the adventure and make sure there is plenty of firewoood, good food, good wine, music and books. The world stops! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! My mind drifts!
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2011-11-17 20-16-52

Don't need snow for that!
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