2011-08-15 15-13-23
Not sure what to do (guy here) I met this girl on eharmony. She initiated contact. We've been dating for a couple months now. She's Chinese. In her profile, she said she was a "Traditional Girl". She also mentioned this to me in our first date. In every way, she's the kind of girl I'd love to settle down with. Pretty, smart, curious, we have such a great rapport and we love the same kinds of movies. She's the kind of girl you'd take home to Mom. By our third date she told me she wanted to take it really slow so that I've been respectful of that. After the first five dates I asked her how she felt and she said she liked me, she thought I was cute, but she needed to get to know me some more before becoming intimate. We've been dating now for three months and so far, not a single kiss, no holding hands. I told her that she should set the tone and I don't want to rush things and lose her, but I also wonder if I've hit the "friends" zone? For those who think she might still be a virgin, I don't know, but I don't think so. She was married once, in an arranged marriage for seven years that didn't work out, so part of me thinks she has to know what sex is all about. Part of me says I should talk to her to see if we've become just friends. And if she only wants to be friends I know I'll be crushed and get so depressed. My whole life I've been dating and I haven't ever met anyone as pretty and sweet and smart and fun to be around as this girl. But the other part of me says that unless some other girl comes around, and I'm enjoying her company (and I am), just let things be. So what if we can only be friends? Has anyone else entered my life? No. Are we having fun? Yes. Just let things happen and see where it goes. Thoughts? Should I talk with her? Just let things be? Enjoy it for what it is?