2012-11-10 7-17-15-
hi, looking for a clean sociable swinger. OK so here goes. I am x year old woman looking for a man. blah blah blah blah!let me tell you what you all sound like. I am a jerk looki rules for dating Curwensville PA ng for another jerk and I am just a nice guy and girl. I am so laid back. I am so cool.OH but I dont except you if you have issues,arent pretty enough,dont have a car,dont have a job,have ,arent doing something with their life!I cant because well thats emotional baggage and I cant handle that I am over that level. I am a better person than that. You know what , you make me sick. I wish there was someway for me to explain how annoying you sound. I dont want to see your ugly ass face. You prolly got dumped so many times in high school and junior high that your ready for something new.... well give it up. Its pointless and your waisting your stupid time. Omg. Please respond to this. I would love to know what you think.=]] nlt;xnlt;xnlt;x Ill send u a pic if u send me =]]